دوره Linux Essential – Exam 010

دوره Linux Essential دانشجویان را با مفاهیم پایه ای و اولیه برای شروع مدیریت و استفاده از سیستم عامل گنو/ لینوکس را فراهم می کند.

آشنایی با دوره

این دوره که توسط متخصص فناوری اطلاعات و امنیت سایبری با بیش از 20 سال تجربه تدریس می شود، راهی سرگرم کننده برای تسلط بر اصول استفاده و مدیریت سیستم گنو/لینوکس است. این دوره همچنین به عنوان یک مقدمه عالی برای مسیر کاملتر و پیشرفته تر گواهینامه های حرفه ای لینوکس می باشد.

اهداف دوره

این دوره برای کمک به آمادگی شما برای آزمون گواهینامه LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) طراحی شده است. این دوره به علاقه مندان کمک می کند تا درک درستی از لینوکس، نرم افزار های آزاد و متن باز داشته باشند. اجزای اصلی سیستم عامل لینوکس را درک کرده و از مهارت فنی برای کار بر روی خط فرمان لینوکس برخوردار شوند و همچنین درک اولیه ای از موضوعات مرتبط با امنیت و مدیریت مانند مدیریت کاربر/گروه، کار بر روی خط فرمان و مجوزها داشته باشند.

پیش نیاز ها

هیچ پیش نیازی برای این مدرک یا دوره وجود ندارد
لپ تاپ یا دسکتاپ برای نصب لینوکس در طول دوره
آشنایی اولیه با کامپیوتر و اینترنت

مخاطبین دوره

کلیه علاقه مندان به نرم افزار های آزاد و متن باز
مناسب برای کارشناسان و علاقه مندان به شبکه، امنیت، و …

سرفصل دوره

Topic 1: The Linux Community and a Career in Open Source

DescriptionKnowledge of Linux development and major distributions.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Distributions
  • Embedded Systems
  • Linux in the Cloud

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Debian, Ubuntu (LTS)
  • CentOS, openSUSE, Red Hat, SUSE
  • Linux Mint, Scientific Linux
  • Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
  • Android

۱.۲ Major Open Source Applications (weight: 2)

DescriptionAwareness of major applications as well as their uses and development.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Desktop applications
  • Server applications
  • Development languages
  • Package management tools and repositories

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • OpenOffice.org, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox, GIMP
  • Nextcloud, ownCloud
  • Apache HTTPD, NGINX, MariaDB, MySQL, NFS, Samba
  • C, Java, JavaScript, Perl, shell, Python, PHP
  • dpkg, apt-get, rpm, yum

۱.۳ Open Source Software and Licensing (weight: 1)

DescriptionOpen communities and licensing Open Source Software for business.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Open source philosophy
  • Open source licensing
  • Free Software Foundation (FSF), Open Source Initiative (OSI)

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Copyleft, Permissive
  • GPL, BSD, Creative Commons
  • Free Software, Open Source Software, FOSS, FLOSS
  • Open source business models

۱.۴ ICT Skills and Working in Linux (weight: 2)

DescriptionBasic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and working in Linux.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Desktop skills
  • Getting to the command line
  • Industry uses of Linux, cloud computing and virtualization

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Using a browser, privacy concerns, configuration options, searching the web and saving content
  • Terminal and console
  • Password issues
  • Privacy issues and tools
  • Use of common open source applications in presentations and projects

Topic 2: Finding Your Way on a Linux System

۲.۱ Command Line Basics (weight: 3)

DescriptionBasics of using the Linux command line.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Basic shell
  • Command line syntax
  • Variables
  • Quoting

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Bash
  • echo
  • history
  • PATH environment variable
  • export
  • type

۲.۲ Using the Command Line to Get Help (weight: 2)

DescriptionRunning help commands and navigation of the various help systems.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Man pages
  • Info pages

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • man
  • info
  • /usr/share/doc/
  • locate

۲.۳ Using Directories and Listing Files (weight: 2)

DescriptionNavigation of home and system directories and listing files in various locations.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Files, directories
  • Hidden files and directories
  • Home directories
  • Absolute and relative paths

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Common options for ls
  • Recursive listings
  • cd
  • . and ..
  • home and ~

۲.۴ Creating, Moving and Deleting Files (weight: 2)

DescriptionCreate, move and delete files and directories under the home directory.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Files and directories
  • Case sensitivity
  • Simple globbing

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • mv, cp, rm, touch
  • mkdir, rmdir

Topic 3: The Power of the Command Line

۳.۱ Archiving Files on the Command Line (weight: 2)

DescriptionArchiving files in the user home directory.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Files, directories
  • Archives, compression

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • tar
  • Common tar options
  • gzip, bzip2, xz
  • zip, unzip

۳.۲ Searching and Extracting Data from Files (weight: 3)

DescriptionSearch and extract data from files in the home directory.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Command line pipes
  • I/O redirection
  • Basic Regular Expressions using ., [ ], *, and ?

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • grep
  • less
  • cat, head, tail
  • sort
  • cut
  • wc

۳.۳ Turning Commands into a Script (weight: 4)

DescriptionTurning repetitive commands into simple scripts.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Basic shell scripting
  • Awareness of common text editors (vi and nano)

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • #! (shebang)
  • /bin/bash
  • Variables
  • Arguments
  • for loops
  • echo
  • Exit status

Topic 4: The Linux Operating System

۴.۱ Choosing an Operating System (weight: 1)

DescriptionKnowledge of major operating systems and Linux distributions.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Differences between Windows, OS X and Linux
  • Distribution life cycle management

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • GUI versus command line, desktop configuration
  • Maintenance cycles, beta and stable

۴.۲ Understanding Computer Hardware (weight: 2)

DescriptionFamiliarity with the components that go into building desktop and server computers.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Hardware

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • Motherboards, processors, power supplies, optical drives, peripherals
  • Hard drives, solid state disks and partitions, /dev/sd*
  • Drivers

۴.۳ Where Data is Stored (weight: 3)

DescriptionWhere various types of information are stored on a Linux system.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Programs and configuration
  • Processes
  • Memory addresses
  • System messaging
  • Logging

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • ps, top, free
  • syslog, dmesg
  • /etc/, /var/log/
  • /boot/, /proc/, /dev/, /sys/

۴.۴ Your Computer on the Network (weight: 2)

DescriptionQuerying vital networking configuration and determining the basic requirements for a computer on a Local Area Network (LAN).

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Internet, network, routers
  • Querying DNS client configuration
  • Querying network configuration

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • route, ip route show
  • ifconfig, ip addr show
  • netstat, ss
  • /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts
  • IPv4, IPv6
  • ping
  • host

Topic 5: Security and File Permissions

۵.۱ Basic Security and Identifying User Types (weight: 2)

DescriptionVarious types of users on a Linux system.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Root and standard users
  • System users

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group
  • id, last, who, w
  • sudo, su

۵.۲ Creating Users and Groups (weight: 2)

DescriptionCreating users and groups on a Linux system.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • User and group commands
  • User IDs

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /etc/skel/
  • useradd, groupadd
  • passwd

۵.۳ Managing File Permissions and Ownership (weight: 2)

DescriptionUnderstanding and manipulating file permissions and ownership settings.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • File and directory permissions and ownership

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • ls -l, ls -a
  • chmod, chown

۵.۴ Special Directories and Files (weight: 1)

DescriptionSpecial directories and files on a Linux system including special permissions.

Key Knowledge Areas:

  • Using temporary files and directories
  • Symbolic links

The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

  • /tmp/, /var/tmp/ and Sticky Bit
  • ls -d
  • ln -s

اطلاعات بیشتر

آزمون: قبولی در آزمون Linux Essentials 010. آزمون Linux Essentials شامل 40 سوال است و باید در 60 دقیقه تکمیل شود.
مدت اعتبار: مادام العمر
هزینه: قیمت این آزمون در هر کشور متفاوت می باشد.
زبان های موجود برای آزمون: انگلیسی، آلمانی، ژاپنی، پرتغالی (برزیلی)، هلندی

تقویم دوره

وضعیتکددورهنام استادشیوه آموزش محلطول دوره
شهریهروزهای هفته
تاریخ شروع
ساعت کلاس
ثبت نام
در حال ثبت نامLE101پیمان لاریحضوریدانشگاه شیراز24 ساعت۱.۵۹۰.۰۰۰ تومانشنبه ها۲۲ مرداد 1401۱۶ تا ۲۱
در حال ثبت نامLE102پیمان لاریآنلاینسایت24 ساعت۱.۵۹۰.۰۰۰ توماندوشنبه ها ۹ شهریور 1401۱۶ تا ۲۱

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